a container for the Surakarta style and historical keris ladrang

The sheath is one part of the keris which has the main function of being a container for the keris blades. 

Apart from that, in the current social lifeof Javanese society, warangka can also often show the social status of its users, because it is from this sheath that its shape and beauty can be directly seen.

In Javanese custom, the keris sheath can be categorized into two types, namely the Ladrang and Gayaman keris warangka. 

In general, the sheath of a keris is made of wood or ivory, covered with metal ornaments such as brass or gold. This sleeve-shaped bandage made of metal is commonly referred to as pendok.

The Ladrang keris sheath has a more complicated shape than the Gayaman keris. The sheath of the Ladrang keris consists of several parts called Acup, Cheek, Beard, Crew, Godongan, Ada-ada, Pindakan, Axle (antupan) and Pendok. Javanese keris, according to the shape of the pendok there are three kinds, viz

1.Pendok bunton is in the form of a flat sleeve without a slit on the side

2.Pendok cantaloupe (blengah) is split lengthwise to one end so that the axle can be seen

3.Pendok mask with a split only in the middle.

The Ladrang keris sheath is generally worn by Javanese people when participating in official palace ceremonies and Javanese traditional marriages. 

The use of the Ladrang keris is intended as a tribute to the king and the guests at the ceremony. 

The procedure for its use is to tuck the axle of the keris into the fold of the belt (stagen) at the back of the waist (including as a consideration for the king's safety)

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