At night it candidate Midodareni pengantim Truntum women wear cloth. Motif fabric containing the philosophical meaning that the candidate is ready to be led to by both parents in particular, and in general by seven elders who also have been bathing him to set foot in facing the future life. One meaning is also implicit in Truntum motive is for couples to follow the norms and values ​​in life. And by following the norms and values ​​and run the existing life then the bride and groom will light easily and live their lives. At first the motive Truntum only worn by the bride's parents. But in the development Truntum batik motif is also charged by the prospective bride itself.
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On this occasion usually is applied jarik with Grompol motif (motif small objects or motifs Nogosari (a fragrant flower motif.) motif that can be a symbol and hope for the bride and groom to be pure and clean and scent. When both types of fabric are not owned, it can be replaced with other cloth meaningful positive, such as motive: Sidomukti, Sidoasih, Cement King, or Rama Cement Sidoluhur.
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Baboon is the nickname for the adult hen. Angrem in the Indonesian language means of brooding. With through the stages of the ceremony is expected in the life of the baby in the future will have patience, as patience that has been shown by the hen was brooding its eggs. It is also hoped that the warmth and patience during the brooding hen chicken (eggs) to hatch their children can be dropped on the baby is still in the womb of the mother.
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Use batik motifs that are still striking and is maintained during the ceremony Mitoni. Stages ceremony held at the time of pregnancy reaches the age of seven months. For ceremonial purposes Mitoni selected seven motif which, according to the philosophy of Java has a meaning and significance of positive and almost equal to the choice of traditional wedding ceremony. In this case the selected sense and meaning is also associated with hope and good wishes poro elderly parents and the baby. It is expected that through the sense and meaning implicit in batik motif is used, the desire Poro Sepuh and Parents will materialize on the baby. For the purposes of this pouring ceremony jarit selected seven motifs from various motives. As such batik-batik: 1. Sido Luhur motif; 2. Sido Asih motif; 3. Cement motif; 4. Gondo Suli / Parang Kusumo In Parang Kusumo motif contained a sense that a life must be based on the struggle and efforts to achieve physical and spiritual fragrance. This can be equated with the scent of a flower (kusuma). Also in the philosophy of Java. A life in society most of all should we get is a personal fragrance without having to leave the norm-normadan prevailing values​​. It is difficult to be realized. But in general, the Javanese people hoping to take a life that is virtually perfect inner and outer accrued on the toil of personal behavior and good.
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In Udhan lyrical motive there are many different types of motifs, such motifs with patroon geometric motifs included in the slope (the slope is the motive motive Parang patroon only between one another with no motive boundary). Everything is arranged side by side to form such as diagonal lines. In Udhan lyrical motifs can be arranged several motifs in parallel / berjejeran. For example in Udhan lyrical motif on top is a composition consisting of the motif, Half Kawung, latticework, Sawut, Mlinjon, Tritis, which is set diagonally extending this means the wearer can safely hope for prosperous, resilient and have taken in fulfilling the obligation in their everyday lives. Udhan this lyrical motif that have the same meaning with the rain drizzling for the world in brief Batik significantly cool the air / atmosphere and also symbolizes fertility. Batik is I received when grandparents visited the house to see great-'Birrutte' ailing hot. When the grandparent directly provide Udhan lyrical motif with a message for diselimutkan to Birrutte body every time she hot. Either because the effect of meaning that is implied in the motif, or whether because his body had started well again, my child can indeed be recovered the next day. At least his body is not hot anymore. Also on another occasion when he got a fever Udhan lyrical motif fabric jarik always enveloped his body. Udhan lyrical story about the motives and decrease heat Birrute after sleeping all night with it wrapped in cloth, I have to say on the college friend who has long lived in the Netherlands. When he heard this story he immediately commented: "Achhh, Geen kreeg hij niet door de Meer koorts betekenissen van de motifs maar door de soorten van de stof zelf. Katoene altijd een stof geef je op een koude effect lichaam. Daardoor ". (Ah, the lower a fever not because motif fabric, but because this type of fabric itself) Achhhh, achhh .. At the time I just thought: "Achh, if he's right that Birrutte down the heat because of the type used katoen blanket, of course my grandparents do not have to give Udhan lyrical motifs. But he could give such a significant motive Parang Barong large sharp machete or provide other batik "... .... Wouwwwww, obviously I'm happy that the grandparent has provided a sense of coolness to my child .... And I am glad that my friends can read about the story Baltyra meaning motives. I still remember, long ago, on one vacation, I noticed that the oldest mbok from start to sit on the porch until almost home did not speak and do not eat or drink anything. Even when others were resting for lunch, I saw Mbok like being in a position to meditate, meditate. Sitting cross-legged with eyes closed and which, when seen at a glance as if cut off its relationship with the surrounding world. Batik Mbok like not hear anything around him. I still remember when my grandmother saw mbok Batiek stare, he waved his hand, beckoned me to approach. "Ora pareng ngrusuhi": The word grandparent's daughter, as he led me into the big house. Later I had to understand that according to the story grandparent, Mbok was meditating to gain magical powers and motives that are sacred to dibatiknya. This usually meant that the wearer batik motifs described will get a pleasant and peaceful life and peace in the future. As we know that every motive in the beginning dibatik, tailored to the position, the opportunity, the wearer. In its development has been a lot of batik motifs that can be freely we have. We can also see that in everyday life was every motive is only charged on occasion and sometimes reserved only for specific users. Batik motifs in its use can be found mainly in the opportunity that has to do with a traditional ceremony with the existing stage in life, such as for example in the ceremony, pregnancy, birth, marriage and the ceremony lelayu.
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we know that there are many motives jarik klassik Java has a particular value of the magical and sacred. Two factors are at the beginning of construction can be supplied through several stages of the ceremony is conducted either by the Mbok and yu Batik motifs as well as by the creator itself. The ceremony is of course very closely related to the flow Javanist. A stream which its adherents believe that behind their religion there are forces and other powers in this universe. With the stage lelaku guided by expert teachers, we can study it. This Lelaku they embodied in the form of fasting and reducing themselves to consume food, beverages, and various other worldly pleasures. Even among them there is a reduce / quit bedtime. As is often done by most of our parents. And they also often meditated in the middle of the night. This would be done to obtain a «whisper» about the motives that would create. Here I include a batik motif klassik: Flower Motif Kanthil. The name implies Kanthil Flowers: Flowers = flower; Kanthil = go, stuck, sticky. I get jarik with this motif of the grandparent. By wejangannya: "Tal dongaké Supoyo jejodhohanmu tetep lasting partner tetep kanthil lan. " (I still pray for your marriage lasting and remain faithful to your partner) A batik cloth Flowers Kanthil / Boxwood pethak background, which patroonnya made ​​by Old Man's daughter. Ineffable flower Kanthil / Boxwood that hand in hand / related to one another. Lots «cecek» smooth the Isen in «bloemblad» / tongue / petals. On a very hot day batik fabric has been torn in half by my husband Ex. When I asked the reason why he tore my batik cloth, he simply replied: "Look for gloves do not exist. So want to use this batik cloth such as wearing gloves on a hot day. Darling stands. So cut it in half. Kan old cloth. " I am very disappointed but did not react. Achhhh, achhhh ... Some time after tearing scenes of this batik cloth, then a separation between us. Whether this a coincidence or 'consumed' by the contents of the meaning of meaning Flower Kanthil which has been split into two. Never implied idee to dial back. Unfortunately idee is incompatible with other idee whispers that reconnection only futile because of the implied meaning Toch had broken into two parts .. Flowers batik cloth Kanthil depicted in the flow like fabric batik motif Parang. Oblique, and parallel in a position to plus minus 45 degrees. In use the Flower Kanthil should always ducked down, as seen in photos. This also means that even if the wearer sewangi and as beautiful as flowers bermekarannya Kanthil / Boxwood, but he must stay crouched / simple in their everyday lives. It also gives the wearer a sense that the humble and familiar social ethics.
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