Megamendung motif used by the public as the basic motif batik Cirebon is not foreign to the people of Indonesia batik lovers, nor for society batik lovers abroad. Evidence of motive Megamendung fame comes from the town of Cirebon never be used as a cover of a book published abroad batik Batik Design work entitled Pepin Van Roojen Dutch nation.
History emergence Megamendung motif adopted by society Cirebon taken from various books and literature, history always lead to the arrival of the Chinese who came to the area of Cirebon. Clearly recorded in history that Sunan Gunungjati married Queen Ong Tien of China. Some objects of art brought from China include ceramics, dishes, cloth berhiasan form clouds. Aan shape symbolizes the world in diverse cultures over when taken from the schools of Taoism. Clouds form a broad picture of the world, free and meaningful transidental (Godhead). The concept of the cloud is also influential in the artistic world of Islam in the 16th century used by the Sufis for the expression of major world or the wild.
Basic values in Megamendung
Basic values in any art including batik motifs in art can be approached in a way Megamendung as follows:
a. Value of appearance (appearance) or the values that gave birth to the art form. This value consists of the shape and structure value. Value of a form that can be seen visually is the motive Megamendung in a beautiful fabric apart from the use of a cotton or silk fabric. While the value of the structure is generated from the forms which are prepared in such a way based on essential values. The forms are in the form of curved lines which are uniform and uninterrupted meet each other.
b. Value Content (Content) which can consist of the value of knowledge (cognition), the value of feeling, intuition or the unconscious man, the value of ideas, and the value of the message or the value of life (values) which can consist of over morals, social values, religious values, etc. .
In Megamendung form we can see the irregular curved lines on a regular basis from most forms of curved lines in the (smaller) and then widen out (enlarged) shows the regular harmonious movement. It could be said that this irregular curved lines that carry a moral message in human life is always changing (up and down) and then grown out to search for identity (learning / social life of religion), and ultimately bring him into a new world headed back into the union of self after going through ups and downs (ups and downs) finally returned to its origin (the laws). So could we see shape Megamendung always formed from a small arch-moving swell continued to come out and eventually had to go back again into small rounds but should not be interrupted. Apart from the philosophical meaning that Megamendung symbolizes human life as a whole so that its form should be fused. Viewed from the side of production do require that if the form of curved lines Megamendung must meet at one point so when the next arc of color on a gradual process (from the color of light to dark color) can be more convenient.
megamendung2Bilamana we look, then we'll get that form Megamendung many variations. There is shaped taper at the tip and there is a round blunt end. There also have an angled shaped indentation in the form of curve. By itself for beginners batik designers who are unfamiliar with the process of making batik and do not understand the meaning of philosophy Megamendung, when drawing Megamendung be little difficulty and possible errors will occur. That must be considered again is the motif Megamendung almost similar to the motif Wadasan. But not the same as its placement with Wadasan motives (needs to be studied specifically at the next opportunity.)
c. Value Disclosure (presentation) that can indicate a value of one's personal talents, skills values, and the medium he uses. Expression displayed by the artist in the form of a beautiful batik process by providing scratch wax through a tool called a canting made of thin copper material formed carefully so that hot wax is past the end of canting can flow smoothly. Elements of a harmonious blend of color with full of meaning for anyone who saw it. Elements of blue that we are familiar with the color symbolizes the sky is so vast, friendly and quiet. Added to imply that there is a blue color symbolizes fertility so that batik was originally Megamendung always provide an element of blue interspersed with red base color.
The development of batik world's growing demand coupled with such a diversity of batik, the motives Megamendung heavily modified with a variety of approaches
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The origin of Pekalongan
The origin of the name Pekalongan as expressed by local communities for generations, there are several versions. One of them is mentioned in the Raden Bahurekso as prominent commander of Mataram Kingdom. In 1628 he received orders from Sultan Agung to attack the VOC (Oost Vereenigde Indishe Compagnic / United Airlines East Indies) in Batavia. So he fought hard, even beginning with an ascetic like bats / bat (Javanese: ngalong topo) in the forest Gambiran (now: The picture is located around the village and the village bridge Anim Sorogenen).
In the hermitage told that Raden Bahurekso Lanjar Goddard teased and harassed its stealth soldiers who are followers. But all temptation Lanjar Goddard and his followers can be defeated even subject to Raden Bahurekso. Then Goddess Lanjar, which is the messenger of Queen Roro Kidul decided not to return to South Beach, but then apply for permission to Raden Bahurekso to remain around this region. Raden Bahurekso fulfill this request even Queen Roro Kidul also approve it. Goddess Lanjar allowed to stay north shore of Central Java. It is said that Goddess Lanjar palace lies on the coastal beach next to the river exactly Pekalongan Slamaran. Since then, the area known by the name of Pekalongan.
In the other version mentioned that the name comes from the Pekalongan local term HALONG - ALONG which means a plentiful harvest. So Pekalongan PENGANGSALAN also called by the name which means good luck. Pengangsalan name was also there in the chronicle of Mataram (Sultan Agung), namely:
"Gegaman wus togethers dadi Siji, Samya Samya numpak Palwa grooming, Gya ancal mring samudrane, lampahe sustainable with Tirboyo ing semawis opponent, ing Lepentangi, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, sampun, Barebes lan Pengangsalan. Sadoyo coastal Wong tan ono curry, ing Carbon nggertata ".
It means: "the weapons had been gathered into one. When everything is ready, the soldiers dispatched to sail. Seafaring no stopping through Tirbaya, Semarang, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, Brebes and Pengangsalan. All the coast nothing is left behind ( they leave to prepare themselves in Cirebon to go to Batavia in order to invade the Dutch East India Company). "
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