With the beauty of various shades, natural color quality, as well as an interesting motif, making traditional batik cloth is very popular and received local and international community.
Batik give full meaning to art and cultural representation from each region of the country. Each region has a characteristic way of making batik motifs and different.
Many things can be extracted from a piece of batik cloth. Not only used for clothes, but development is now at the household and interior. No wonder when it is said that batik is a copyrighted work of cultural relics owned by the Indonesian nation.
Create your batik enthusiasts, here we present a series of batik motifs that have been eloquent in the ears of the people of Indonesia.
1. Parang Rusak
Is one of the motifs used in sacred that only the court environment. This motif is also able to identify the origins of court users, whether from the palace in Solo or Yogya.
2. Parang Barong
Derived from the word "rock" and "barong" (lion). Formerly worn by noblemen for religious rituals and meditation because this motif is considered sacred.
3. Parang Klitik
Symbolizes the subtle and wise behavior. Once the motive is only worn by the princess.
4. Parang Slobog
Symbolizes the firmness, precision, and patience.
5. Sekarjagat
It symbolizes an expression of love and preserve peace. So no wonder if the motive is often worn during wedding.
6. Tuntum
Usually worn for wedding bridal mainly by parents because it means guiding motive.
7. Kawung
It symbolizes wisdom and life balance.
8. Mega Overcast
Bearer symbolizes the rain to look forward as the bearer of fertility and the giver of life. Light blue color on this motif symbolizes the bright life.
9. Poleng
Describing honesty, balance, trustworthy and courageous.
10. Sido Mukti
Usually worn by men and women at the wedding, also known as Sawitan (pair). Sido means continuously and mukti means affluent life and happiness. So this motif symbolizes hope for a better future.
11. Sido Asih
Has the meaning of compassion.
12. Sido Mulyo
Mean life is always virtuous.
13. Sido Wirasat
In this motive is always there komdinasi this motif there is a combination of motives always Truntum in it because it symbolizes the parents will always give advice and guide the bride and groom in entering married life. (Harper's Bazzar)
We'll often hear the term batik and printed batik. The development of batik design in today's quite encouraging, this positive impact for batik-batik producers in various regions. For those of us who are unfamiliar, it might be sedikitkesulitan to distinguish. Here are some tips that can help you distinguish the two types of batik.
Differences batik designs and batik designs can be seen from some of the following:
* Done by using the canting is a tool made from copper which is formed to accommodate the night (wax batik) with a tip of the channel / small pipe to discharge the night in shaping the initial image on the surface of the fabric.
* The picture / design batik there is no clear repetition, so the image appears to be more flexible with the relative size of the motif can be smaller than the printed batik.
* Image design batik can be seen on both sides of the fabric appears to be more flat (see-through back and forth) specifically for the delicate batik.
* The basic color of fabric usually younger than the color of the scratches motif (ofwhite batik / tembokan).
* Each piece of the picture (decoration) which is repeated on a sheet of fabric normally would never be the same shape and size. Unlike printed batik is likely to be exactly the same between the images that one with another picture.
* Time required for the manufacture of batik relatively longer (2 or 3 times longer) compared with the manufacture of printed batik. Batik fine workmanship which could take 3 to 6 months.
* The tool of canting relatively cheaper price of around Rp. 10.000, - to Rp. 20,000, -/pcs. 8. The selling price is relatively more expensive batik, because of the quality is usually better, luxurious and unique.
Batik Cap
* Done by using a cap (a tool made from copper which is formed in accordance with the desired image or pattern). To manufacture the handle cap batik with a length and width dimensions: 20 cm x 20 cm on average it takes 2 weeks.
* The picture / design printed batik there is always a repetition of the obvious, so the image appears again with the same shape, the size of the relatively greater motive than batik.
* Pictures printed batik usually do not show through on both sides of the fabric.
* The color base cloth is usually older than the color of the scratches motive. This is due not to do batik cap closure on the basis of a more complicated pattern as was common practice in the process of batik.
* Duration batik stamp usage in good condition can reach 5 years to 10 years, with a record not broken
* Selling price printed batik relatively cheaper compared to batik, because usually many and have similarities to one another is not unique.
Indonesia has long been known to have results very beautiful culture and is recognized worldwide. One of the cultural elements of Indonesia recognized its beauty is customary fabric. Almost all regions in Indonesia have a traditional fabric, each of which emits its own uniqueness. Original indigenous Indonesian fabrics are generally in the form of woven cloth and batik.
Since a few decades ago, batik has become a trade mark of Indonesian culture. Batik is historically known nation of Indonesia since the seventeenth century and is documented in palm leaves. At that time, the common motifs found in the form of animals and plants. Gradually, new motifs and variations of the previous motif adds richness Nusantara batik.
Although Indonesia is the original painting cloth diverse origins and motives, have a point if until now Javanese batik was the most known worldwide. And speaking of Javanese batik, certainly can not escape from Central Java. Coupled with the wayang kulit and wayang, Javanese batik has become a cultural icon of Central Java.
Central Java has long been a barometer of the development of Indonesian batik. Almost every region of sub-culture in this province is developing its own variety of motives which ultimately regarded as typical batik area. Javanese batik patterns and variations of their own number in the hundreds. Each variation has its own meaning and philosophy.
Central Java has at least 2 areas become centers of batik regional and national levels, namely Pekalongan and Surakarta (Solo). Not only producing batik in large numbers, the three artists in this region actively promote batik by creating new motives. These three areas also pioneered the production of batik with affordable prices without sacrificing beauty.
Pekalongan, a town on the north coast of Central Java, has long proclaimed itself as the city of batik. The city is becoming one of the contributors to the progress and sustainability of Indonesia's batik industry. Pekalongan batik capnya famous with the beautiful but far less expensive than batik. Because of this stamp method, can result in Pekalongan batik cloth in large numbers.
Surakarta into batik centers that can not be regarded as number 2 in Central Java. According to an unofficial study in 2003, Batik Surakarta alone has more than 6000 detailed the typical motifs. Batik Surakarta palace evolved from the environment and was originally developed by the palace. Seiiring with the development of batik, Pasar Klewer Solo is built into 2 levels and made batik trade center in the area.
Today, batik has claimed copyright by the state of Malaysia. This of course has led many people who care about the development of batik became furious. But on the other hand, this, too, who may be the main factor to wear batik trend among Indonesian youth lately growing. Batik is popular mostly in the form of clothing, bags, and various knick-knacks accessories.
For more membumikan batik on the ground and people of Indonesia, Solo City Government fully supported by the central government held a Solo Batik Carnival 2008 on 13 April. Carnival is also attended by Trade Minister, Marie Elka Pangestu serves as a platform for promotion and authentication Javanese Batik Surakarta style. This exhibition is a series of activities to promote the fabric of the archipelago.
According to Marie Elka Pangestu, Creative Industries such batik industry contributes Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product average Rp104, 638 billion per year in 2002-2006. In 2007, the Central Javanese batik Exports reached 36.46 percent of total exports of Indonesian batik of USD 29.3 million. This sector also absorb 5.4 million workers per year with a productivity of Rp19, 5 million per worker per year, higher than the national productivity of Rp18 million per worker per year
Internet batik business began to demand a lot of people.
Batik Clothing seems suitable for almost any condition, this is true is true. Targeting the growing market batik is a business opportunity that I think you can work on them online too is not it?. The important thing is you can get a lower purchase price and sell at normal price at your online friends. You may have often heard the online store? Why not make batik as your online business opportunity?
Now if we observe together to use this batik fashion, has become a necessity for some or even nearly complete use of batik fashion is dominate in our country, as well as companies - state-owned companies and did not rule out private companies that specialize wear batik fashion for a particular day.
Use of this batik fashion can also be used for many events, such as when we were invited by relatives and our relationship, at least in our minds is neat collared dress with dark or subordinate khan batik fashion right? or maybe another invitation like tasyakuran celebration, birthday, family party, batik fashion is the trend now, so no wonder we kalua wear batik fashion is a tipical then more or less indigenous Indonesian. In the meeting - the meeting was important, the use of batik clothing also looks good and elegant. see? that the target market for this batik business is extraordinary.
Batik clothing has distinctive patterns and colors that can blend with the wearer so that, for the pemakianya can become more confident and steady. Batik fashion is also very attractive to people - persons were foreigners or people - Westerners, not only because of the color and beautiful pattern (which may give them inspiration for Caucasian people bill gates for example), but the clothing neutral batik is used for all condition, event or celebration.
Early years is a moment that is often used by many people to make plans and set new targets they want to achieve. Both in terms of career, family, life, as well as planning their business opportunities that allow for them to try.
It is undeniable that an increasing number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia to show positive progress, providing motivation for other people to race each other to open a business. Look at the amount of business with small capital to businesses billions of dollars have capital, which is now popping up and enliven the local market competition and international markets. Of course you are also interested to take part is not it?
Deciding to start a business is not easy, many people are afraid to start because of reasons of capital. And if you have a strong determination and intention, in fact many business opportunities that can be run with little capital, such as home-based business. Exploiting all the potential in the house to run a business, a proper alternative for you to reduce the effort required capital. So you can still open a business, even if you have limited capital.
Entering the second month in mid 2011, it would not hurt if you start planning a business opportunity that has pretty good prospects for the future. If today you have limited capital, start by selecting a small business opportunity that you may run from home.
Well, to simplify your search for a home-based business ideas in 2011. Here we inform our readers about some business ideas that have a pretty good prospect.
* Business culinary. Culinary business prospects there is no death, as well as this year. Culinary business development will be increased along with the widespread interest in the market will culinary products. You can open a small dining with traditional menus, catering businesses, cake business, and meatball soup stall, stall pecel catfish and penyetan, angkringan business, for consumers vegetarian food stalls, etc..
* Business energy. What is meant here is the fuel energy and gas. You can become an agent or a sub-agent of the LPG. The increasing needs of the community will fuel and gas, you can use as a home business opportunity is quite promising. Not only that, this time PLN was open cooperation to stall payment of electricity for communities. So your chances to run the energy business at home, more wide open.
* Business services health and beauty. More and more people getting concerned with their health and appearance. The condition, can you make as an opportunity to get a big enough profit. For example, by opening a health clinic in the home, private midwife services, try business beauty salon, business services haircuts, bridal makeup services, etc..
* Business education and training. Increased public awareness of the importance of education and skills, make business in this field has a fairly high market demand. Look at the growth of institutions tutoring, private tutoring services, language training institute, computer courses, cooking classes, beauty courses, and educational institutions of early childhood (ECD) which are now widely circulating in our environment. So it is possible, you can also open a business education in your home.
* Retail Business. Pursue the retail business with products people's daily needs is a good option for those who want to open a home business. Being resident in an urban environment, making the business has a very good market potential. You can try to open a grocery shop, food stalls, or mini market by utilizing the empty space in your home.
After learning some business ideas above, then you can plan the most appropriate home-based business for you. And try to convince yourself to action now. Hopefully this week's business info to be useful for readers and help you're looking for business opportunities. Good luck and greetings success.