on this occasion posts related to the history of friends. because we know the history can be called a special hinga jogja yogyakarta very special because of the culture and kalakuan Javanese people were very calm.

Enjoy the corners of the old city of Yogyakarta at night was really exciting. This we did after going home berlebaran to Cilacap, Central Java some time ago. It was still early when the five of us up at the Bus Station in Yogyakarta. 

Thanks to the manual one passenger bus, our family finally decided to stay overnight in a simple guesthouse near the terminal's magnificent. My eldest nephew Lely wants to fill that afternoon with visiting Sultan Palace complex. While his wife, son and a nephew who is also the brother Lely prefer to spend time with the rest at the inn. 

Really disappointed our hearts when he arrived at the region Rotowijayan turned out of the palace was closed. But we could obtain information from an officer of the palace when the Ancient Horse Carriage Museum is located next to the palace it is still open to visitors. Without wasting a chance we ended up towards the museum. Horse Carriage Museum Yogyakarta Sultanate's ancient numbering tens.

This is where tourists can see directly the various types of old-fashioned horse-drawn carriage nan antique that was used by the Sultan and his descendants. Old-fashioned horse-drawn carriages are generally ordered from the Netherlands. Everything is still in good condition and well maintained. In fact, there is a train which was made in the 1700s. Each visitor to the museum entrance ticket charged Rp. 4000, -. Certainly very affordable when compared to the benefits it's enormous. There are about twenty-three old-fashioned horse-drawn carriages were stored and well maintained in Yogyakarta Rotowijayan Railway Museum. The horse-drawn carriages used to be a vehicle Sultan Yogyayakarta and relatives empire. Such as Train Kanjeng Nyai Jimad. It is said that is the pride and heritage of Yogyakarta Palace. This train is a gift that made the Spanish State in 1750. The train is one of the oldest among the collection of ancient trains in the museum.
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on this occasion I will give you some knowledge about joglo and joglo history. because joglo have menpunyai myths and cultural values ​​are very thick and has a value of its own magical.

Joglo a traditional architectural building java, joglo have framework comprising the main building of the pillar in the form of the four main pillars supporting the building structure as well as intercrop be an array of beams that supported the pillar.

The composition of the room at Joglo generally divided into three parts, namely the meeting called pendhapa room, living room or space that used to hold a puppet show called pringgitan, and a back room called royal or omah jero as a family room. In this space there are three senthong (room) is senthong left, middle and senthong senthong right.

Occurs application of the principle of hierarchy in the pattern of spatial arrangement. Each room has a different value, the front of the room are general (public) and the rear of a special nature (personal / private). Uniquely, each room from the terrace, the pavilion to the rear (pawon and pekiwan) not only function but also loaded with elements of Javanese philosophy of life. The element of religion / belief in god embodied by the space cult of Dewi Sri (the goddess of fertility and happiness of the household) in accordance with the people's livelihood Java (peasant-agrarian). The room is called krobongan, the rooms are always empty, but complete with beds, mattresses, pillows and bolsters, and can also be used for the first night for the newlyweds (Widayat, 2004: 7). Krobongan a special space created as a tribute to Dewi Sri who is considered a very important role in all aspects of community life of Java.
So in the space mapping Joglo house there are three main space map are:

• Hall
• Pringgitan, and
• Dalem

The pavilion is located at the front, and do not have a wall or open, it relates to the philosophy of the Javanese were always being friendly, open and did not choose in terms of receiving guests. In general, given the pavilion no table or chairs, just given a mat when guests come, so that between the guest and the homeless have equality and also in terms of conversations or chat felt familiar pillars (pillars Agawe santosa).
Pringgitan has a conceptual meaning is the place to show themselves as a symbol of the owner of the house that he is only a shadow or a puppet of Dewi Sri (the goddess of rice) which is the source of all life, fertility, and happiness (Hidayatun, 1999: 39). According Rahmanu Widayat (2004: 5), pringgitan is the space between pendhapa and the palace as a place for a puppet show (ringgit), are performing ceremonial ruwatan for children sukerta (children who fall prey Bathara Kala, the god giant ensuing).

Dalem (Main Room)
Dalem or joglo main room of a home owner's personal space. In the main room of this palace there are some parts of the living room and several rooms or called senthong. In olden times, the room or senthong only made three rooms only, and designated rooms even this works only into three: the first room for sleeping or resting male both rooms were empty but still filled bed or divan complete with bedding, and the third reserved bed or rest women.

Rooms were second or middle commonly referred to krobongan is a place to store heritage and the worship of Goddess Sri. Senthong middle or krobongan the most sacred places / private for the residents.

Inside the palace or stored krobongan meaningful treasures unseen and the first harvests of rice, Dewi Sri is also regarded as an owner and hostess truth. In the krobongan there are beds, mattresses, pillows and bolsters, is the room the first night for the newlyweds, it is interpreted as a cosmic event of unification Dewa Kamajaya with Dewi Kama Ratih the gods love romance marriage (Mangunwijaya, 1992: 108). In the house aristocratic Javanese traditions Yogyakarta, senthong middle or krobongan contains an assortment of objects emblem (equipment) that have a unitary sense of the sacred (holy). Various objects emblem is different from the objects emblem farmers. But both have the meaning of a symbol of fertility, happiness households manifestations
is Dewi Sri
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