Motif Carving
One image that has been so attached to Jepara is a predicate as "City of Carving". Wood carving has become the idiom of the hometown of Raden Kartini Ajeng this, and even there is no other city worth mentioning commensurate with industry to craft furniture from Jepara carving. But for sampia in conditions like this, Jepara has tread a very long perjalana. Since the golden age of Hindu countries in Central Java, Jepara It has been known as a port north coast of Java, which also serves the communication gateway between the Javanese kingdom of China and India premises.
Likewise, when the first Islamic kingdom in Demak, Jepara is set as North port and trading center as well as a fleet base war. In the Islamic religion spread by the Guardians, Jepara also be used as local "service" Sunan Kalijaga who developed a wide range of art including sculpture.
Another factor is the background for the development of the Jepara wood carving is a country of immigrants from China who later settled. In historical records the development of wood carving is also not be separated from the role of Queen Kalinyamat. In his reign he had a vizier named "Sungging Badarduwung" which comes from the State Campa Patih chisel proved an expert who volunteered to teach their skills to the community surrounding The evidence that can still be seen from the reign of Queen sculpture Kalinyamat This is the ornament carving stone in the Mosque Mantingan.
In addition, the role of Raden Kartini Ajeng in developing the art of carving is also very large. Ajeng Raden Kartini who saw the lives of the craftsmen was also moved from poverty, his mind distracted, so he determined to raise the degree of the craftsmen. He summoned several craftsmen from Rear Mount (now one of the Village padukuhan mulyoharjo) under the leadership of Singowiryo, to jointly create a carving on the back of the district. By Ajeng Raden Kartini, they were asked to make various types of carving, such as chest seam, ketch table, frame, where cigarettes, place jewelry and other souvenir items. The goods are then sold Raden Kartini Ajeng to Semarang and Batavia (now Jakarta), so it was found that the public good Jepara carving.
After many orders are coming, the result of increased production of the craftsmen Jepara type bridal chairs, wind archery equipment, beds bride and sealing the room and various types of guest chairs and dining chairs. Ajeng Raden Kartini also began to introduce Jepara carving out the country. How, Raden Kartini Ajeng give souvenirs to his friend abroad. As a result carving continues to grow and orders kept coming. All sales of goods, after deducting production costs and postage, the money handed over intact to the craftsmen.
To support the development of Jepara carving that has been pioneered by Ajeng Raden Kartini, in 1929 the idea of some of the natives to establish a vocational school. Right on July 1, 1929, majoring in carpentry school furn
iture and sculpture was opened under the name "openbare Ambachtsschool" which later evolved into the State Technical School and then became Middle School Craft Industry Affairs.
With the existence of these vocational schools, crafts and carving meubul semaluas in society and the more children who enter school in order to get proficiency in the field of furniture and furniture and carving. In this school to be taught a variety of designs and decorative motifs carved Indonesia, which was originally not known by the people of Jepara. Instrumental figures in the development of motifs through this educational institution is Raden Ngabehi diocesan Sukemi who develop motives and Pajajaran majapahit and Raden Ngabehi Wignjopangukir develop Pajajaran and Balinese motifs.
Progressively increasing carved motif that is controlled by the craftsmen of Jepara, Jepara carving furniture and increasingly in demand. The traders began to exploit this opportunity, to get new goods to meet consumer demand, both located in the overseas.
Jepara community capability in the field of wood carving was also tinged with a legend. Narrated, in antiquity there is an artist named Ki Adi Luwih Sungging who lives in a kingdom. The fame of these artists are heard by the king who then ordered the picture empress. Long story short, KiSungging successfully completed the order properly. But when he would add a black color on the hair, black ink terpeciklah groin section images of the empress that looks like a mole. This image is then submitted to the king who was amazed by the work of Ki Sungging.
But the king was also suspicious because he saw a mole dipangkal thigh. Raja Ki Sungging suspect talah see naked empress. Therefore, the king intends to punish Ki Sungging with a statue in the air with the kite. At the appointed time ki Sungging ride a kite with a completion tool to create a sculpture empress.
But because the wind was blowing hard, semi-finished statue was eventually carried by wind and fallen on the island of Bali. This thing was eventually found by the people of Bali, so that local communities are now recognized as an expert in making sculpture. While sculpting equipment fell behind the mountain and the supposedly from Jepara carving this area began to grow.
Apart from legend and history, Jepara carving, can now be developed and even is one part of the "breath of life and the pulse of the economy" people of Jepara.
After experiencing a change from a handicraft handicraft industry, especially when viewed in terms of socio-economic, Jepara wood carving proceeded rapidly, so get the title as the city of Jepara carving, having managed to master the national market. However, due to the dynamic development of economy, national markets are not a guarantee, because outside of that market share is still wide open. Therefore, it required special tips to be able to break through the international market.
To do this go to any market expansion through exhibitions, but also made arrangements in the area. These steps taken by the effort to improve the quality of Jepara carving muebel, production management and marketing management. In addition, developed "The spirit of Incoporated Jepara, Jepara employers united in entering the export market, which demands proper preparation because of rivalries are so tight.
To improve the quality of human resources for example, carried out through secondary school education Handicraft Industry Affairs and Technology Academy Timber and non-formal education through courses and exercises. By penigkatan quality human resources is expected not only to boost product quality, tatapi also accelerate the ability of the craftsmen and entrepreneurs in a reader Jepara market opportunities with all tentutannya.
Improved product quality and quality control has become an obsession of Jepara in entering the international market, aiming to increase foreign confidence of industrial products from Jepara. Therefore, the quality control system with reference to international standards is a matter that can not be at bargain-bargain anymore. This business is conducted through the guidance to producers for maintaining product quality in order to guarantee quality of service as where dipersaratkan ISO 9000.
In addition, the expansion and intensification of the market continues to do in order to increase exports as well as broadening the international market with penganeragaman products that have potential, and enhancing market intelligence to gain market transportation overseas. Thus, entrepreneurs can accurately and quickly anticipate opportunities and challenges of international market. Meanwhile, information networks continue to be done through the functions and activities of Buyer pengevektivan Reception Desk in Jepara. Conceptual steps are carried out continuously has been fruitful success of the impact felt by the people of Jepara, by increasing kesejateraannya. From the existing data can be used as a mirror the success of carved furniture sector in the last five years.
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