According to Carik Kawedanan Radya Kartiyasa Keraton Jogja Nyi R Ry Noorsundari, the use of tie-dye in weddings is tailored to the stages of the wedding procession. In a traditional Javanese wedding, the procession includes silaman, middareni, consent and pangi.
According to Noorsundari, in a wedding procession, the event begins with a meaningful splash to purify someone's bad. The tie-dye used is the Gronpole motif, which signifies unity between individuals who remain united as a family. "The event starts with us splashing the bad stuff and washing it away. With the Gronpole motif, the Gronpole motif is like a little bunch of grapes. Small, but one." I wish we could be like wine, they have their own personalities, but they are still united within the family," Noorsundari said at the palace.
After the procession of Siraman, the process of Middareni follows, especially for palace weddings with a Trantum motif. This motif signifies the blooming of flowers and the readiness to enter the stage of marriage. Lay people usually wear Wahyu Thamrung patterned tie-dye fabric during Middareni. In Middaleni's palace, the daughter usually uses the motif of the trantum, which is still in bud and about to bloom, and is called a trantum. If you want to get married, start something new. Like a flower that is about to bloom, I would like to prepare first. Norsundari said.
Although the community commonly uses generational revelation in the Mid-Dalenian matrix. This motif means a gift that pours down on a person. Beauty is also hope," she said R. Ry. Norsundari.
After approval was given, the procession continued at Pangi. When joining the Panggih procession, they usually use Sido motifs, such as Sido Noble, Sido Asih and even Cement Romo. “After consent is given, the name Pangi usually uses sid motifs, such as Sid Mukti, Nobler Sid, Sid Asif, Cement Romo. I hope it will come," he said.
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