Batik motifs Parang Kusumo
Use batik motifs that are still striking and is maintained during the ceremony Mitoni. Stages ceremony held at the time of pregnancy reaches the age of seven months. For ceremonial purposes Mitoni selected seven motif which, according to the philosophy of Java has a meaning and significance of positive and almost equal to the choice of traditional wedding ceremony.
In this case the selected sense and meaning is also associated with hope and good wishes poro elderly parents and the baby. It is expected that through the sense and meaning implicit in batik motif is used, the desire Poro Sepuh and Parents will materialize on the baby. For the purposes of this pouring ceremony jarit selected seven motifs from various motives. As such batik-batik:
1. Sido Luhur motif; 2. Sido Asih motif; 3. Cement motif; 4. Gondo Suli / Parang Kusumo
In Parang Kusumo motif contained a sense that a life must be based on the struggle and efforts to achieve physical and spiritual fragrance. This can be equated with the scent of a flower (kusuma). Also in the philosophy of Java.
A life in society most of all should we get is a personal fragrance without having to leave the norm-normadan prevailing values. It is difficult to be realized. But in general, the Javanese people hoping to take a life that is virtually perfect inner and outer accrued on the toil of personal behavior and good.
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