Type of Batik in Indonesia Developing

Meaning of batik and the use of: Variety of Batik in Indonesia As an Indonesian citizen we should be proud. Because of Indonesia's many ethnic diversity, culture, customs, religion, and art is so diverse. One of them in the field of fashion. In Indonesia there are fabrics that can not be visited on another country and has a unique style and appeal. The cloth we call with batik cloth. Indonesian batik patterns and motifs themselves very much, there is a genuine motive of the ancestors of our nation and there is also an acculturation with other nations. Below is a variety of batik found in Indonesia: batik is usually only used by certain people kalnagan ordinary people should not use batik ini.biasanya used by officials of the palace or the king. Batik Kraton beginnings of developing all kinds of batik in Indonesia. Motive meaning of life philosophy. Batik-batik is made ​​by the princess palace and batik-batik experts who live in the palace. Basically the motive was forbidden to be used by those "ordinary" as the motive Parang Barong, Parang Rusak including Udan lyrical, and some other motive.

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